August 22, 2021

Male fertility is the male organism’s ability to produce offspring. There are multiple ways that male infertility can occur, including physical or mental disabilities, exposure to toxic substances and insufficient sperm count. Sperm count is the amount of sperm in a male’s semen sample.

Improving male fertility is possible by implementing healthy lifestyle choices like quitting smoking and reducing alcohol consumption. Eating a nutritious diet high in lean protein such as poultry, eggs, seafood, and dairy foods can also help increase male fertility. Coconut oil also has omega-3 which promotes sperm production and may be helpful for male infertility.

Inside this guide, we’ll be diving into all the natural methods to increase male fertility.

Lifestyle Changes to Improve Male Infertility

Incorporating healthy male fertility habits is key to male reproductive health. The male body requires certain nutrients and minerals in order to produce sperm, grow secondary sex characteristics, maintain a healthy metabolism and support male organs like the prostate gland and testicles.  Improving male fertility includes maintaining a nutritious diet, reducing stress, exercising regularly and quitting smoking.

A healthy male fertility diet should consist of lean proteins and whole grains each day. Lean proteins improve male sperm production and include sources like poultry, eggs, seafood, dairy products (ice cream!), and soy-based foods for vegetarians. Whole grains provide zinc to male reproductive health, which can be found in oatmeal and brown rice.

Improving male fertility by reducing stress is an important part of a male’s lifestyle that helps support male hormone levels. Stress hormones can decrease testosterone levels, which slows down male sperm production. Meditation or yoga are great methods to reduce stress levels and nurture male reproductive health at the same time.

Increasing male fertility by exercising regularly also helps with sperm production and overall male reproductive health. A healthy exercise includes running, swimming or lifting weights. Do not exercise immediately before male sexual activity, as the male body is already operating at its highest male fertility potential during this time.

Lifestyle and diet changes are recommended for couples who want to conceive a child. By decreasing male infertility factors like stress levels and excessive alcohol consumption, male sperm production increases and male reproductive health improves. Couples should also limit their exposure to toxic substances which can have harmful impacts on male fertility including smoking cigarettes or using toxic hair products like gels or dyes that are absorbed through the skin when used over long periods of time.

Sufficient Sperm Count Improves Male Fertility

For men who have been diagnosed with insufficient sperm count for male fertility reasons, it’s critical to understand how male fertility is measured. The male reproductive system includes male sperm production, male sex organs and male ejaculate fluid.

Male fertility depends on the optimal sperm count of healthy male sperm cells to fertilize an egg, which then becomes a fetus in the uterus during pregnancy.

If male infertility occurs due to insufficient sperm count or other factors such as low sperm motility (motile sperms are able to move), it’s critical for couples who want to conceive a baby with the assistance of assisted reproductive technology like IVF or IUI. A semen analysis report evaluates male factor infertility by measuring various aspects of male sperm count including volume, concentration and morphology (the latter two are also referred to as density). Semen samples should be analyzed by a qualified male infertility specialist, male fertility expert or urologist.

After male sperm count is evaluated and male factor infertility is confirmed through male fertility testing, male sperm production can be stimulated using certain treatments including male fertility supplements, herbal remedies and medications.

Male Fertility Supplements to Increase Sperm Count

By increasing male sperm count in the male reproductive system, a man’s chances of conceiving naturally improve due to optimal fertilization potential.

Tongkat Ali has been shown to increase sperm counts when taken as an extract or natural supplement that’s standardized for Eurycoma Longifolia Jack Extract (also known as “longjack” or “EQ”).

This plant-based remedy increases male fertility by promoting testosterone levels while inhibiting estrogen production common in male reproductive health. Studies have shown male fertility increases when given to male subjects for a period of time, with optimal male sperm count achieved after 4-6 months of continuous use.

Patients should follow the instructions of their male fertility specialist or urologist on how often and how much male fertility supplement to take while trying to conceive a child.

Male Fertility Herbal Remedies for Increasing Sperm Count

There are several herbs that can increase male sperm count in the male reproductive system naturally, including one called “Mucuna Pruriens” which helps promote testosterone production and improve male reproductive health overall.  Studies show it’s effective in improving sperm counts in males who suffer from low fertility as a result of insufficient male sperm count or male infertility.

Other male fertility herbal remedies like “Ginko Biloba” are also recommended for male reproductive health, as well as natural male sex enhancement agents that increase men’s libido and sexual performance while improving male fertility through increased sperm motility. These herbal remedies are available in male fertility supplements or can be purchased separately for use by male patients who have been diagnosed with male infertility.

One of the more popular brands is Semenax and the way it works is by using some of these natural herbs to boost the semen volume.

Medications to Increase Sperm Count

Male infertility medications like Clomiphene Citrate are prescribed by male specialist physicians when a man’s sperm count is too low to conceive naturally after 12 months of trying without success. This medication works by increasing the level of luteinizing hormone in the body which stimulates the production of testosterone within male reproductive organs. Higher male testosterone levels lead to male sperm count increase and male fertility improvement for around 5-6 months.

Males who suffer from male infertility because of lower sperm counts may be given this medication to improve male fertility naturally; it can also help treat a condition known as “oligoasthenoteratozoospermia“, which is another male reproductive disorder that occurs when the total sperm number in semen is less than 20 million per ejaculate, with no more than two million motile sperm present.

Other medications like metformin are used by male patients who have been diagnosed with oligoasthenoteratozoospermia due to low insulin level or metabolic syndrome, since high blood sugar has been associated with male infertility in male patients who suffer from male infertility.

Male Fertility Drugs to Increase Sperm Count

In male fertility treatments, sperm production can be improved by medications like Clomiphene Citrate when male sperm count is too low based on male fertility testing conducted after fertility work-up. Male doctors will determine the best treatment method given the results of male semen analysis performed on their male patients.  These drugs have a very high success rate for increasing sperm counts and improving reproductive health but can be associated with side effects if not taken as recommended; therefore, it’s critical for male patients taking these drugs to speak with their doctor first before doing so and also follow directions carefully in order to conceive naturally without complications.

About the author 

Ann Pinto

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